Pattern: API Key

How can an API provider identify and authenticate clients and their requests?

The final version of this pattern is featured in our book Patterns for API Design: Simplifying Integration with Loosely Coupled Message Exchanges.

Pattern: API Key

a.k.a. Access Token, Provider-Allocated Client Identifier


An API provider offers services to subscribed participants only. For various reasons, such as establishing a Rate Limit or Pricing Plan, one or more clients have signed up and want to use the services. These clients have to be identified.


How can an API provider identify and authenticate clients and their requests?


When identifying and authenticating clients on the API provider side, the following forces come into play:

  • Establishing basic security
  • Access control
  • Avoiding the need to store or transmit user account credentials
  • Decoupling clients from their organization
  • Security versus ease of use
  • Performance

Pattern forces are explained in depth in the book.


As an API provider, assign each client a unique token —- the API Key -— that the client can present to the API endpoint for identification purposes.


A solution sketch for this pattern from pre-book times is:


In the following call to the Cloud Convert API a new process to convert a DOCX file to PDF format is started. The client creates a new conversion process by informing the provider of the desired in- and output format, passed as two Atomic Parameters in the body of the request (the input file has to be provided by a second call to the API). For billing purposes, the client identifies itself by passing the API Key gqmbwwB74tToo4YOPEsev5 in the Authorization header of the request, according to the HTTP/1.1 Authentication RFC 7235 specification. HTTP supports various types of authentication, here the RFC 6750 Bearer type is used:

Authorization: Bearer gqmbwwB74tToo4YOPEsev5
Content-Type: application/json

    "inputformat": "docx",
    "outputformat": "pdf"

The API provider can thus identify the client and charge their account.

Are you missing implementation hints? Our papers publications provide them (for selected patterns).


The resolution of pattern forces and other consequences are discussed in our book.

Known Uses

Many public Web APIs use the API Key concept, sometimes under different names (such as access token). A few examples are:

  • The YouTube Data API supports both OAuth 2.0 as well as API Keys. Clients have to generate different API Keys, depending on where these keys are used, e.g., server keys, browser keys, iOS and Android keys. These keys can then only be used by the configured apps (in case of the iOS and Android apps), IP addresses or domain names. This additional layer of protection makes a specific key unusable outside of the specified app. This is done to avoid that an attacker could, for example, simply extract the key from an installed Android application and use it to make requests on behalf of that application.
  • The GitHub API’s primary means of authentication and authorization is OAuth, but basic authentication with a username and token – the API Key – is also supported. Here, the API Key is not sent via HTTP header but through the password parameter of the basic authentication. For example, a request to access the user resource using the cURL command line tool looks as follows: curl -u username:token
  • The API of online payment provider Stripe uses a publishable key and a secret key. The secret key takes the role of an API Key and is transmitted in the Authorization header of each request, whereas the publishable key is just the account identifier. This naming scheme might be surprising for clients expecting the secret key to be kept private, like Amazon’s secret key, which is never transmitted and only used to sign requests.

More Information

Related Patterns

Many web servers use Session Identifiers as described by Fowler (2002) to maintain and track user sessions across multiple requests; this is a similar concept. In contrast to API Keys, Session Identifiers are only used for single sessions and then discarded.

The Security Patterns in Schumacher et al. (2006) provide solutions satisfying security requirements such as Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authentication/Authorization, and discusses their strengths and weaknesses in detail. Access control mechanisms, such as Role-based Access Control (RBAC) or Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC), can complement API Keys and other approaches to authentication; these access control practices require one of the described authentication mechanisms to be in place.

Other Sources

Chapter 12 of the RESTful Web Services Cookbook Allamaraju (2010) is dedicated to security and presents six related recipes. Pautasso, Ivanchikj, and Schreier (2016) covers two related patterns of alternative authentication mechanism in a RESTful context, Basic Resource Authentication and Form-Based Resource Authentication.

Siriwardena (2014) provides a comprehensive discussion on securing APIs with OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, JWS, and JWE. Chapter 9 of Sturgeon (2016) has a discussion of conceptual and technology alternatives and instructions on how to implement an OAuth 2.0 server. The OpenID Connect specification deals with user identification on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.


Allamaraju, Subbu. 2010. RESTful Web Services Cookbook. O’Reilly.
Farrell, Stephen. 2009. API Keys to the Kingdom.” IEEE Internet Computing, no. 5: 91–93.
Fowler, Martin. 2002. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Addison-Wesley.
Pautasso, Cesare, Ana Ivanchikj, and Silvia Schreier. 2016. “A Pattern Language for RESTful Conversations.” In Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP). Irsee, Germany.
Schumacher, Markus, Eduardo Fernandez-Buglioni, Duane Hybertson, Frank Buschmann, and Peter Sommerlad. 2006. Security Patterns: Integrating Security and Systems Engineering. Wiley.
Siriwardena, Prabath. 2014. Advanced API Security: Securing APIs with OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, JWS, and JWE. Apress.
Sturgeon, Phil. 2016. Build APIs You Won’t Hate. LeanPub.