Category Overview
The Evolution Patterns category comprises the following patterns:
An early decision in a API project is whether an API and its endpoints should be versioned at all, and, if so, how and on which levels of granularity. These decisions are usually documented in an API Description. Version Identifier pattern presents a basic solution for this problem set by explicitly versioning API elements, e.g., by transmitting a version number in the requests.
If simple numeric version identifiers are insufficient because major and minor changes have to be distinguished from backward-compatible patches, three-number Semantic Versioning can be applied for APIs just like it is often done today for code artifacts or entire software products.
Once a versioning scheme is in place and APIs run in production, it has to be decided how many of versions should be supported in parallel. Two in Production pattern defines and limits the currently active API versions in support of a rolling release strategy.
Another possibility is to fix the duration of how long individual versions are supported by using the Limited Lifetime Guarantee pattern. Aggressive Obsolescence can be used to selectively decommission and later remove an API version or a functionality subset. If the provider chooses to make unlimited compatibility guarantees, the Eternal Lifetime Guarantee pattern can be used.
Finally, an Experimental Preview status can be given to API endpoints or operations (or new versions of them) to avoid premature commitments, but permit sneak previews or beta programs available to all or selected clients.

Problem-Solution Pairs
Pattern: Version Identifier
Problem |
How can an API provider indicate its current capabilities as well as the existence of possibly incompatible changes to clients in order to prevent malfunctioning of clients due to undiscovered interpretation errors? |
Solution |
Introduce an explicit version indicator. Include this *>Version Identifier* in the API Description and in the exchanged messages. To do the latter, add a Metadata Element to the endpoint address, the protocol header, or the message payload. |
Pattern: Semantic Versioning
Problem |
How can stakeholders compare API versions to detect immediately whether they are compatible? |
Solution |
Introduce a hierarchical three-number versioning scheme x.y.z, which allows API providers to denote different levels of changes in a compound identifier. The three numbers are usually called major, minor, and patch versions. |
Pattern: Two in Production
Problem |
How can a provider gradually update an API without breaking existing clients but also without having to maintain a large number of API versions in production? |
Solution |
Deploy and support two versions of an API endpoint and its operations that provide variations of the same functionality but do not have to be compatible with each other. Update and decommission the versions in a rolling, overlapping fashion. |
Pattern: Aggressive Obsolescence
Problem |
How can API providers reduce the effort for maintaining an entire API or its parts (such as endpoints, operations, or message representations) with guaranteed service quality levels? |
Solution |
Announce a decommissioning date to be set as early as possible for the entire API or its obsolete parts. Declare the obsolete API parts to be still available but no longer recommended to be used so that clients have just enough time to upgrade to a newer or alternative version before the API parts they depend on disappear. Remove the deprecated API parts and the support for it as soon as the deadline has passed. |
Pattern: Experimental Preview
Problem |
How can providers make the introduction of a new API, or new API version, less risky for their clients and obtain early adopter feedback without having to freeze the API design prematurely? |
Solution |
Provide access to an API on a best-effort basis without making any commitments about the functionality offered, stability, and longevity. Clearly and explicitly articulate this lack of API maturity to manage client expectations. |
Pattern: Limited Lifetime Guarantee
Problem |
How can a provider let clients know for how long they can rely on the published version of an API? |
Solution |
As an API provider, guarantee to not break the published API for a fixed timeframe. Label each API version with an expiration date. |
Pattern: Eternal Lifetime Guarantee
Problem |
How can a provider support clients that are unable or unwilling to migrate to newer API versions at all? |
Solution |
As an API provider, guarantee to never break or discontinue access to a published API version. |